Ethics code
The theme itself seems clear, but experience shows that it is always fit to repeat it over and over again. In every action newbies are joining us, who may not be familiar with this side of UE.
1. Diggers’ golden rule – at least for UrbanTrip group – diggers are NOT vandals. In objects we don’t break furniture or glass, don’t draw inscriptions on the walls and do not leave new waste. The law exists not only within the framework of personal ethics, but also as a guarantor of a number of other phenomena:
a) diggers essence is not degraded in eyes of witnesses (in particular, various government representatives);
b) the object for the maximal period is stored in exact quality for other diggers and random visitors.
2. We do not take “souvenirs”– again, because of keeping the objects in good quality for future inspections (of course, sometimes it is hard to deal with the idea of “if not me, someone else will take it anyway”, but we must still rely on it and try to affect others with our example – in any case, what would be our life without faith in ideas and beliefs?).
3. During UrbanTrip’s activities we do NOT use alcohol or any other intoxicating substances – not only for ethical reasons but also to maximize personal safety. Even in clear mind, some sites tend to be physically dangerous.
These are the keys. But there are still much smaller details, which are different for each object type and are formed “live” – only by understanding the process.